About Us

About Us

Collaborative Approach to Reentry

CSRI understands the broad range of services that individuals returning from incarceration need to ensure successful reintegration into the community and their families. From the beginning, the founders made a commitment to utilize highly qualified community partners to provide programming such as adult basic education/GED, substance use disorder education/counseling, 52-week batterer’s intervention, community navigation, provision of snacks and short-term reentry housing. CSRI believes that there are many well respected, effective community-based organizations that know their communities better than CSRI. Approximately 25% of the CSRI budget is contracted with local community-based organizations or education entities.

The Mission of CSRI

The mission of the Cal State San Bernardino Reentry Initiative (CSRI) is to increase public safety, reduce recidivism, and break the cycle of generational incarceration through comprehensive programming in a constructive environment.

Our mission is important to the safety and well-being of our community. By providing comprehensive services with a positive environment, CSRI is actively engaged in supporting individuals with a second chance in transforming their lives and the lives of those they love, so they may provide better support for their families and community.

Our mission provides a crucial roadmap for CSRI to follow, ensuring that all of our programs and initiatives are geared towards increasing public safety, sustaining long lasting change, and breaking the cycle of generational incarceration.

Ready to get your LIFE BACK?

Need help with any of these:


52 Week Batterer’s Intervention


Life skills


Anger Management


Short-term Reentry and Recovery Housing


Relapse Prevention Substance Use Disorder




Job Development/Financial Literacy


Vocational Education


Adult Education


Evidence shows that the more time spent in positive programming, the higher the probability of success. CSRI’s expectations of the parolee include attendance, attire, and attitude. CSRI requires parolees attend programming that addresses their needs. All participants must be interested in and willing to participate in a comprehensive program addressing identified needs.

Address their criminogenic needs

Engage in regular case management meetings.

Maintain communication with CSRI

Attend classes with a minimum of 80% attendance

Be willing to achieve independent life, including, but not exclusive to, housing and employment

Adhere to rules and regulations

It's never too late to change.

Start your new life today.