Reentry classes and programming offered by CSRI provide numerous advantages beyond simply satisfying parole requirements. CSRI’s programming is customized to assist individuals who are transitioning back into the community and may feel overwhelmed or unsure about how to establish themselves. Through reentry classes, individuals have an opportunity to gain critical skills and knowledge that can enhance their personal growth, including job training, communication and networking skills, programs to address substance abuse and mental health, and more. These classes provide individuals with the tools and support necessary to successfully reintegrate into society and build brighter futures for themselves and their community.
This course is a program designed to help individuals who use violence or abuse in relationships change their behavior. The program focuses on teaching participants healthy communication skills, address their anger and reactions, and understand the impact of abusive behavior on their loved ones. This course helps participants take responsibility for their actions, learn better ways to resolve conflicts, and gain skills necessary to have healthy and fulfilling relationships.
This course focuses on teaching important practical and social skills to help participants transition back into their communities effectively. In this course participants will gain job search skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, as well as time management and stress relief techniques. After completion of this course, participants will have an increased level of self-confidence and feel prepared to continue to build positive relationships with peers, mentors, and the rest of the community.
This program helps participants with a critical part of reentry-housing. CSRI provides short-term reentry housing to participants experiencing homelessness or living in unstable living conditions. CSRI provides participants with the resources and support needed to locate and obtain available housing. CSRI teaches participants about how to complete application for rental assistance and connecting with other services needed in order to successfully transition back into society. Housing is provided through community partners that are contracted by CSRI.
Anger Management helps participants learn techniques to effectively manage and express their emotions. The goal is to decrease aggressive behavior and help participants cope with difficult situations in more effective and healthy ways. This course helps to identify triggers for anger and develop strategies for avoiding or resolving conflicts. Relaxation exercises, communication skills, problem-solving techniques, and skills to address feelings of frustration and irritability are also covered.
Relapse Prevention (RP) for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a program designed to help participants identify and prevent situations that may lead to relapse. This course focuses on building skills and teaching participants how to recognize the signs of relapse. Participants will learn to recognize their personal triggers and develop the coping mechanisms to manage these triggers effectively.
Adult Basic Education provides instruction for adults to acquire the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. This is designed to help participants who have struggled in school, those who need to obtain their GED, and those wanting to improve necessary skills to progress further in a successful career. Topic covered range from basic reading comprehension, to math and computer skills. After this program participants are better equipped and educated to be successful in employment.
CSRI’s Job Development and Financial Literacy classes teach participants how to develop their job skills, such as interviewing and writing resumes, as well as gain an understanding of financial topics, such as budgeting and investing. This class helps participants prepare for the workforce and become more knowledgeable about managing their finances.
This program is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively reconnect with their children through and after their transition. This class covers a range of topics including child development, communication strategies, discipline techniques, conflict resolution, and emotional wellness. The goal is not only to foster healthier relationships, but also to reduce the overall likelihood of intergenerational incarceration.
CSRI provides numerous vocational education opportunities throughout all centers. CSRI’s vocational education includes hands-on training, on-the-job experience, and mentorship. CSRI vocational education programming includes skills in such professions as construction, automotive technology, warehousing, and others.
Our Mission is to reduce recidivism, increase community safety, and break the cycle of incarceration by providing services and guidance to parolees.